Blog - Category: Review

Cat On The Wall Review | Lazarus and The Plane Crash | Horseplay

Lazarus And The Plane Crash 'Horseplay'

Every so often you can come across an incredible album by happy coincidence. It’s a rare but delightful occurrence....

PopMatters Review | The Real Tuesday Weld | Songs for The Last Werewolf - 5/10

PopMatters introduces us to Glen Duncan and his novel 'The Last Werewolf' & Stephen Coates' musical rendering of the latter. This music review, published by the international online magasine, takes a look at the matching public profiles of both author Duncan and artist Coates, and how their literary and musical geniuses combined is a recipe for a heavenly mix!

Crammed Discs Review | The Real Tuesday Weld | Songs for The Last Werewolf

The Real Tuesday Weld's album 'The Last Werewolf' takes Glen Duncan's novel as the backdrop for a widescreen emotional cabaret tailor-made for the iTunes generation, for the album is both a high-concept soundtrack plus a diverse playlist for the eclectic of ear and heart, all held within the band's own genre 'Antique Beat'.