An Alchemical Christmas
For one week only we are offering single cards (normally £5.50) at a 30% discount. Sale ends on 8th November.
Following our annual tradition of several years, The Real Tuesday Weld’s Seasonal 'An Alchemical Christmas' comes packaged as a limited edition audio greetings card containing a mini-cd with four tracks, a spoken word story and a download token for the digital files.
The beautiful full coloured folding card allows you to address the card to someone deserving of your love / alchemy.
Each comes with an envelope and can be signed and addressed on request.
Every year since 2004, The Real Tuesday Weld have produced a limited edition Audio Christmas Card for friends, family and fans inspired by the Beatles Christmas Fan club records of the 1960s. They have contained unreleased songs, films, messages and spoken word tracks. This year the theme is Alchemy - the transformation of shit into gold being just what this sad old world needs right now we thought. Enjoy magical music box soundtracks, slightly sour sentimental songs and a whole spoken story about a strange London creature living by the Thames.
Get one for a friend, a lover, an alchemist or just for yourself. Get one signed and addressed. Get a pack of five but most of all, have a very Alchemical Christmas.